Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Smarter than the average Joe...

Home is where you lay your head. Some people lay their head on no pillows when they sleep, and some use up to 4 at once. If you're a no-pillow sleeper, you'll probably have some pretty substantial neck and shoulder issues today. A tingling in the knees could mean a rainstorm in the near future. If the day you were born ends in an odd number, and you use 1 or 3 pillows when you sleep, and your knees aren't currently tingling, chances are today will bring your innermost desires to fruition. Follow your bliss to your local Trader Joe's where you will find the most amazing selection of pre-made, privately labeled foods the world has ever known. If you do not have a Trader Joe's in your area, you are more than likely a 0, 2, 4, or more than 4 pillow sleeper, born on an even date, and/or a republican; in which case, a complete re-evaluation of your life might be in order for today. Or at very least, a move.

I'd look to move to a city where there are condos for sale on top of a Trader Joe's. Then, we could be neighbors, and I could start teaching you how to be less of an ignorant buffoon.

Image Courtesy of www.cooltownstudios.com


  1. Ok, so I sleep with 0 pillows, but was born on an odd date. Does that make me schizophrenic?
